ࡱ> a bjbj xEbxEb TTTTThhh8t4hrH:K*u $8T)"KTTʝ!!!RTT!!!0oCaݕ^{0;V   T?<vT!SDx   B : Grande Prairie Regional College School of Health, Wellness & Career Studies Department of Business & Office Administration COURSE OUTLINE Winter 2019 OA1030 A3: Business Communications I A3 3(4.5-0-0) 67.5 Hours InstructorCara LeafPhone539-2879OfficeC411E-mail HYPERLINK "mailto:cleaf@gprc.ab.ca" cleaf@gprc.ab.caOffice HoursM/T/ TH 10:00-11:30 Anytime By Appointment or email Prerequisite(s): None Required Text/Resource Materials: Smith, Leila R., English for Careers, 11th Edition. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall, 1999. Random House Webster Dictionary Description: This course will help you develop editing, proofreading and writing skills for effective business communications. Upon completing this course, you will write and speak according to Standard English usage principles of word choice, spelling, sentence construction, grammar, punctuation and pronunciation. You will communicate with the English style that contributes to advancement in careers requiring excellent communication skills. Credit/Contact Hours: 3 credits/67.5 contact hours Delivery Mode(s): Lecture Course Outcomes: When discussing grammar usage, students will have the skills to define different parts of speech and describe their usage in a sentence. When composing business documents, students will correctly apply grammar and punctuation mechanics, as well as correct sentence structures. Course Objective The primary objective of OA1030 is to improve communication skills (fundamental grammar skills). Knowing the parts of speech, using them correctly, and understanding how they relate to one another is an important step in creating strong writing skills. Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to: identify the eight parts of speech and understand the function of each part of speech. understand different vocabulary terms that will allow them to participate in analyzing grammar usage and sentence structure compose complete sentence (simple, compound, and complex) correctly spell commonly misspelled words. apply Standard English grammar and mechanics to compose or edit text. TRANSFERABILITY: ** Grade of D or D+ may not be acceptable for transfer to other post-secondary institutions. Students are cautioned that it is their responsibility to contact the receiving institutions to ensure transferability GRADING CRITERIA: GRANDE PRAIRIE REGIONAL COLLEGEGRADING CONVERSION CHARTAlpha Grade4-point EquivalentPercentage GuidelinesDesignationA+4.090 100EXCELLENTA 4.085 89A 3.780 84FIRST CLASS STANDINGB+3.377 79B3.073 76GOODB 2.770 72C+2.367 69SATISFACTORYC2.063 66C 1.760 62D+1.355 59MINIMAL PASSD1.050 54F0.00 49FAILWF0.00FAIL, withdrawal after the deadline EVALUATIONS: Job Success Skills 10% The students will demonstrate job success skills through: Regular attendance and punctuality Timely completion of work Completing all chapter assignments Maintaining a high standard of work Ability to work both independently and collaboratively Participation in class and within groups Demonstration of professionalism Quizzes & Tests 35% Will consists of chapter and topic tests Midterm -- 25% Final Exam 30% STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES: Daily attendance is essential! Students are responsible for completing assignments outside of class time when necessary. If you are ill, please have a classmate inform you of the work covered that day. More than 3 missed classes may result in a recommendation of Debarred from Exam. (See College Calendar) Assignments and tests missed will be recorded as zero. Assignments are due on the dates set by the instructor. No late assignments or rewrites of exams are allowed STATEMENT ON PLAGIARISM and Student Conduct Refer to the Student Conduct section of the College Admission Guide at  HYPERLINK "http://www.gprc.ab.ca/programs/calendar/" http://www.gprc.ab.ca/programs/calendar/ or the College Policy on Student Misconduct: Plagiarism and Cheating at  HYPERLINK "http://www.gprc.ab.ca/about/administration/policies/**" www.gprc.ab.ca/about/administration/policies/** **Note: all Academic and Administrative policies are available on the same page. Course Schedule/Tentative Timeline: WeekTopicRequired Reading Week 1 References and ResourcesCH 1Week 2 Parts of Speech CH 2Week 3 Mastering NounsCH 4Week 4 Mastering PossessivesCH 5Week 5 PronounsCH 6&7Week 6 Mastering VerbsCH 8&9Week 7Adjectives & AdverbsCH 10Week 8MIDTERM Week 9 Sentence FundamentalsCH 3 Week 10 &11Using Commas CorrectlyCH 11 Week 12Punctuating Sentences CH 12  Week 13 Fine Points of Punctuation CH 14 Week 14 &15Review for Final EXAM There will be a chapter exam following the completion of each chapter. The final exam will be given on the scheduled day during the December exam week.     Page  PAGE 2 !c{|}ҹ{sksfaYTsOsfKD hxshxshCox hY-5 h &5h+h+5 hPW5 h+5hY-hxyU5hY-hxs5hshY_:CJaJh^5CJaJh{<5CJaJh &5CJaJhY-hT5CJaJhY-hY_:5CJaJhY-h4m 5CJaJh.#5CJOJQJaJhshs5CJOJQJaJhshs5CJ$OJQJaJ$jhsUmHnHu! 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